After carefully packing the goods, the goods are transported from the factory to the port you want. At the port of departure, your windows and doors are loaded into a container by certified export handlers and will be verified. Every shipment is fully insured.
Depending on the size of your order, they will be loaded into a 20-foot, 40-foot standard or 40-foot high cube container. Upon shipment, we provide you with customs clearance documents, which will help you to arrange customs clearance.
Transit time will be approximately 30 days. The exact transit time depends on the location of your port and the actual departure time of the ship.

1. Warren Factory
2. Export Transportation (China Specialized Forwarder)
3. Port of Loading (Export Customs Clearance)
4. Ocean Shipping (Well-known Shipping Company)
5. Destination Port (Import Customs Clearance)
6. Import Shipping (Local Specialized Forwarder)
7. Customer Location